Entries by Kyo Morishima

A Japanese Wedding in Hudson Valley Upstate New York

ニューヨークのマンハッタン北、アップステートにあるハドソン川沿いの小さな町テリータウン。マンハッタンに住んでられる花嫁さんと花婿さんがご結婚されることになりました。 式をユニオン教会で挙げられ、明るくリラックスした雰囲気の地中海のスーパーが隣接しているモロッコレストランでお食事をされました。Etsuko PlanningのEtsukoさんと彼女のチームの御蔭で素敵な挙式になりました。楽しく素敵な撮影をさせて頂きました。おめでとうございます! This Japanese couple who have been living in New York because of his job. They love living in the U.S. and want to stay, but they thought his company would need them to move back to Japan this summer. She really wanted to celebrate their wedding in the States before they left, […]

Wedding Lookbook: LeeAnn and Mike

  LeeAnn and Mike got married last June in an unusual place: an office park. They wanted a fun, big, classic wedding that didn’t break the bank, and LeeAnn’s brother-in-law Lucmann Pierre, who owns the award-winning Le Pierre Caterers, suggested they have their wedding in the office building where his cafe was located. An office […]

Wedding Flowers by Season with Pictures

One of our favorite, easy ways to celebrate nature and be earth-friendly at your wedding is by using local, seasonal blooms instead of flowers that have been shipped halfway across the globe. So we’ve tried to make things easy for you by compiling a list of wedding flowers by season with pictures on Pinterest.  Click the flower name and get inspiration from a […]

Published on Borrowed and Blue: Elizabeth and Bryan’s Jasna Polana wedding

Borrowed and Blue Princeton is a wedding blog that just launched in Princeton, although they have local sites in 59 other locations and seem to be growing fast. I corresponded with Audra Jones from Borrowed and Blue recently, and she said that Borrowed and Blue has a focus on “helping brides plan locally inspired weddings.” “That means,” she […]

Featured on The Knot!

A winter wedding in Princeton with dramatic and elegant white decor by Beautiful Blooms, LLC at the Nassau Inn was just featured on The Knot! Someday we are determined to visit Chrystin and Tomas’s restaurant in Buenos Aires….   Here are more Nassau Inn weddings!